for Desmond Tutu

so that, moral philosophers, is what happiness is
a place of value, equality and respect
free from pain and tension
Tutu’s virtues
relaxed but circumspect
no disadvantages, no catch
no fuss over an accidental scratch –

it is hard to tell where his affections lie
he keeps his heart pretty close to is chest
immaculately mannered, with an opaque veneer
that conceals a passionate interior –

and farewell to the orphan sociology
you will not live again
to walk the verdant field of heaven –
there is no comparison

dawn at Christmas

clouds smudge the brightening skyline
moving from ink to aquamarine
the sun, redolent of wine,
sparkles like the fizz of new champagne

the sky is a palette of shining shades
opalescent, greyish black
and the hillside is a sleeping beast
which the sun will wake

a coin of molten metal
a melting medal of gold
clouds of bronze-edged pearl
gems that cannot be bought or sold
wear your jewels and greet this day like spring
a party outfit decked with bling


a warmth that melted my viscera
rain washed away the past
subsiding to reveal a good new future
inspired by the spirit of a heavenly frost
frozen on the grass like manna is the spirit of love
found in a sign of peace, a turtle dove

memory chops off chunks of the past
and tries to reassemble them
old age passes in a blissful haze
a celestial dream

such is my foretaste of the future
the flavour of things to come
savour the joy of destiny
and bang your samba drum


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