You may be interested to know that the front cover of ‘Harvest’ was based on a design by my father, Howell Jones. It shows the view from my window across Lime Kiln Hill on the edge of Cambridge. So you thought there we no hills in Cambridge? This view is under threat of development by the ARM technology conglomerate. At least there will be a record of its beauty.

The cover ably depicts the ideas behind the collection: the future is  good after a long illness, autumn sun shows the way ahead and the window is open. There will be a harvest.

I will be selling copies of ‘Harvest at a ‘sale and signing’ event at my local church on February 20th at 9.00an and 11.00am, after the 8.00am and 10.00am services. I only have a few copies left but if I run out there will be flyers and postcards available to help you  order your own copy.

I am looking forward to reading some poems at my friend and neighbor’s film evening soon. I’ve got some sonnets written over the New Year – see ‘Blog’.

Gladly the author website is working now, and you can order the book here.

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